Friday, July 12, 2013

20 Relationship Lessons Everyone Should Know


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Relationships, while they are beautiful and rewarding, are a lot of work. A good relationship must be balanced. Each partner must be willing to give and take in all areas and aspects of the relationship. Every relationship is different and there is no manual or how-to-guide to make things work out. Each relationship will have ups and downs and each couple will learn valuable lessons along the way.

Here are 20 lessons I've learned along the way that may help your relationship overcome bumps in the road throughout your journey together.


Put God First

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Pray and attend church together.  The family that prays together stays together! The closer each one of you comes to becoming like the person God intended you to be, the closer you will be to each other and to the Lord. The biblical concept of marriage is a oneness between two individuals that pictures the oneness of Christ with His church.

Pick Your Battles Wisely

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Every disagreement or dispute doesn't need to be a blow out or argument. Even though you're a couple, you're two seperate individuals that have different personalities and understandings -which is okay and normal. So if someone forgot to empty the dishwasher or didn't pay a bill on time - no need to get overtly upset because it's not the end of the world. It's healthy to voice your frustrations or opinions in a calm manner but let it go afterwards. Every disagreement doesn't have to involve an intense battle.

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