Monday, July 15, 2013

Lovers Turned Best Friends

The Most Rewarding Relationship You Can Have Is Not Sexual

Lovers Turned Best Friends

“We’ve worked on -- and mastered -- a different kind of post-breakup arrangement: We do everything together except bone”

My best friend is one of the most remarkable people I’ve ever met. She’s smart, but not a know-it-all, which makes her curious and wide-eyed. She’s funny, but she never goes for the cheap laugh, which makes her surprising. She’s a knockout, but she doesn’t know it, so, yeah, she’s humble. She’ll give you the shirt off her back, but, boy, will she make you work for it (I owe her 60 bucks at the time of writing). She’s tough as nails, but if she breaks her own? Forget about it. She’s responsible, works harder than anyone I’ve ever met, takes nothing for granted, believes in me and doesn’t scare easy. She is, perhaps, the perfect girl.


Friday, July 12, 2013

The Rules Of Texting

Texts No Man Should Ever Send To A Woman

Texting is a key part of the today's courtship. We figured we would talk to some women about some of the right ways and wrong ways to handle this part of the dance. Pay close attention. This could be the difference between a second date and a complete shutdown.

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17 Great Places For a Summer Quickie With Your Baby

Are you ready to spice it up, ladies? Take summer lovin' to the next level in one of these inspired locations.

By Charli Penn


Drive In Movie

Drive In Movie

Whoever invented drive-ins is a genius. It combines two of the best hookup locations from when you were a teenager: at the movies and in your car, which is sure to get your heart racing when you think back to all those wild times you snuck around with your high school boyfriend. What makes this location even better though is that you’re more experienced now and can take full advantage of what the backseat has to offer.

7 Signs His Love Is Not Real

Not every guy who says he loves you is being honest. Here are seven signs that his love is not real.

By Kevin Carr


Is He for Real?

Is He for Real?

Since releasing my first book, my inbox never seems to sleep. I don’t mind at all. I love to communicate with readers and hear their feedback. Many women who contact me have moving stories and ask the same question: “Is he sincere?” Sadly, too many find out the man they’re dating isn’t long after they’ve become attached. I can help. Here are seven indicators to look out for.

20 Relationship Lessons Everyone Should Know


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Relationships, while they are beautiful and rewarding, are a lot of work. A good relationship must be balanced. Each partner must be willing to give and take in all areas and aspects of the relationship. Every relationship is different and there is no manual or how-to-guide to make things work out. Each relationship will have ups and downs and each couple will learn valuable lessons along the way.

Here are 20 lessons I've learned along the way that may help your relationship overcome bumps in the road throughout your journey together.

Lower-Back Tattoos

Science Answers: What Lower Back Tattoos On Women Really Mean

Lower Back Tattoos


“The tat is a telltale sign that the woman who paid to have it permanently etched onto her body is easy... That's really not fair. But many times, life just isn't.”


Results of an interesting new study were released earlier this week, the focus of which was lower-back tattoos on women. The research took place in France, and the results were anything but flattering to the fairer sex. In short, the study showed that most men believe that women who have a tattoo on their lower back are more likely to have sex with them.
Ah, the French.

Sex On The First Date Video

Most Men Don't Actually Have Sex On The First Date

Cosmopolitan just completed a poll on large number of 18- to 35-year-olds to find out their thoughts on first dates, sex and what both men and women perceive of them. And the answers definitely fly in the face of some of the older truisms we were taught to believe, such as "don't have sex until the third date," among other things. The first and most interesting detail was how different women's perceptions were of their actions vs. what men actually felt. For example: 82% of women believed that men think less of a woman who has sex on the first date, but among the guys polled, 67% said exactly the opposite -- that they don't feel that way at all. 38% of women and 44% of men admitted to having sex on the first date, and 65% of women said that they would have wanted to at some point, but held off because they didn't want to give the wrong impression.

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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Naked Conan O'Brien and Chelsea Handler trade slaps in the shower


Someone needs to learn how to lock a door. After her naked shower fight with Sandra Bullock, Chelsea Handler got into a nude-and-crude scuffle with Conan O’Brien.

In the comedic sketch, the late-night hosts trade barbs, then slaps, with each other.

O’Brien starts by accusing her of stealing his old “Tonight Show” space: “This is my studio – you stole it, remember? I still have the key. Plus this is the best water pressure in Los Angeles.”


The video takes a veiled dig at NBC’s announcement that Jimmy Fallon is taking over for Jay Leno. If you recall, O’Brien enjoyed a brief stint as “Tonight Show” host.