"When a man texts a woman to go on a crappy date, it’s not a sign that civilization is crumbling or that love is dead; it’s just a sign that he wasn’t all that into her to begin with."This is a not-at-all interesting article in the New York Times that makes a valiant effort to pretend to be a groundbreaking exposé of modern dating culture. This may shock you, but this piece regrets to inform you that young men are no longer leaving calling cards in their intended’s parents’ foyers.
What the article really is, like most things written by or about millennials, is an overwrought exploration of millennial delusions and lack of self-awareness.
If you don’t want to read 2,000 words about young people being awful (though who wouldn’t?), I’ll summarize the article thusly: Gone are the days of yore when a man would call a woman on the telephone to ask her to accompany him somewhere nice on a certain date at a specific time. Instead, the reality of modern dating is noncommittal text messages, group dates and “hanging out.” It’s mostly “blah, blah, blah, guys suck” with some pseudo-intellectual analysis peppered in to keep up appearances.
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